PAPER SUBMISSION DEADLINE : August 31, 2021 23:59 CET, 16:29 IST
NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE : September 30, 2021 23:59 CET, 16:29 IST
FINAL SUBMISSION : October 31, 2021 23:59 CET, 16:29 IST

We are pleased to invite you to submit original contributions to ICIAI 2021 via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/account/signin) by respecting the guidelines (https://www.seahf.net/iciai/Submission.php).
All submissions can include technical and experimental, theoretical, conceptual, or survey papers. All submissions will be peer-reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity.
We are pleased to invite you to submit original contributions to ICIAI 2021 via EasyChair (https://easychair.org/account/signin) by respecting the guidelines (https://www.seahf.net/iciai/Submission.php).
All submissions can include technical and experimental, theoretical, conceptual, or survey papers. All submissions will be peer-reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, importance and clarity.
Papers will be selected to be published in Atlantis Press Group (Part of Springer Nature)
The 2nd edition of ICIAI-2021 conference in collaboration with Microelectronics and Nanotechnology Research Center, Sousse Technopole and SLAMA Best Choice Company (Event Organization) targets different scientific fields and invites academics, researchers, and educators to share innovative ideas and expose their works in the presence of experts from all over the world. The first edition was held in Polytechnic University, Madrid, Spain. The conference focuses on original research and practice-driven applications.
It provides a common linkage between a vibrant scientific and research community and industry professionals by offering a clear view of modern problems and challenges in information technology. It offers a balance between innovative industrial approaches and original research work while keeping the readers informed of the security techniques, approaches, applications, and new technologies. The conference is an opportunity for students, doctors, academics and researchers to open up to the outside world, make connections and collaborate with various domain experts.
ICIAI’21 particularly welcomes papers on the following topics:
- Big Data & Analytics in Industry 4.0
- Signal processing
- Blockchain & Industry 4.0
- Edge computing & Industry 4.0
- Industry 4.0 Digital Transformation
- Inductive Learning
- Intelligent & Knowledge Based System
- Cloud Computing for Industry 4.0
- 3D Printing in Industry 4.0
- Fundamentals of Materials
- Materials of Energy
- Management Information Systems
- Biomaterials/Nanomaterials
- Agents and Multi-agent Systems
- Natural Language Processing
- Signal Processing
- Computer Vision
- Internet of Things (IoT)
- Adaptive Systems
- Robotics 4.0 and Automation
- Support System for Industry 4.0
- Construction 4.0
- 5G Industry
- Agriculture 4.0
- Mobile Computing
- Healthcare 4.0
- Marketing 4.0
- Banking and Finance 4.0
- Economy 4.0
- Tourism 4.0
- Auditing and Accounting 4.0
- Financial Engineering 4.0
- Education 4.0
- Business 4.0
- Fuzzy Logic
- Data Mining
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Expert Systems